Unleash the Potential of High Fidelity Digital Art

-- 4k Video via HDMI Out-- Touchscreen Info Display-- High End Graphics Processor-- Remote Web Control-- Integrated Web3 Support

The MODA Plaque is a revolutionary solution designed specifically for galleries and collectors who seek to showcase intricate and high fidelity digital artwork that demands powerful hardware. 

Elevate Your Digital Art With Museum-Worthy Presentation

By handling both art playback and generating a digital placard for artist attribution, the MODA Plaque ensures an easy path to creating a museum-caliber art experience.

Powerful Hardware to Support Playback At The Highest Quality

Built with focused computational power, the MODA Plaque excels in handling the complexities of intricate digital art mediums. Whether it's real-time graphics, interactive generative art, or high-resolution video, the MODA Plaque delivers unrivaled performance, ensuring every detail is rendered with impeccable precision

Compatible With A Wide Range of Displays

The MODA Plaque is designed to be plug and play with wide versatility. Compatible with any display, from large LED walls to standard TVs, the MODA Plaque seamlessly integrates into existing setups, making it an ideal choice for galleries and collectors with varying display configurations. 

Effortlessly Manage Your Collection Through The Web

Not only does the MODA Plaque excel in performance, but it also offers a user-friendly interface. Artists and collectors can easily manage and customize their digital art collections through the intuitive MODA Web Portal, granting full control over which artworks are showcased in which galleries and on each Plaque. Artists have control over where their artwork is shown and ability to upgrade their files remotely. Additionally, the Plaque's touchscreen interface provides an interactive and engaging platform for viewers to explore artwork details, descriptions, and artist information.

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